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Halle Berry and Goran Visnjic in Extant

· Goran Visnjic,Halle Berry,Extant

Watching tons of space expedition videos and brainstorming with actual NASA experts has helped Halle Berry prepare for her role of astronaut in the TV Series “Extant”. The Sci-Fi drama patented by CBS successfully launched its second season in the US in early July, but viewers can start counting stars like Goran Visnjic with the Oscar winner from the 29 of July, every weekday from 21:30 pm on your TV channel.

The main producer of the series is no other than Steven Spielberg, while the show’s creator and screenwriter Mickey Fisher adapted the screenplay for the small screen. The theater director with affinity for high speed finally came out of his of old life shell in 2013, and left New York in search of a quiet place where he can write. Screenwriters competed for the story line of “Extant”, directed by Spielberg and Fisher came first in, walking away with a brand new work arrangement for his 40th birthday.

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Beyond the scientific aspect there is a much deeper story about family. The show also centers round the complex relationship between Molly Woods played by Halle Berry, and John Woods played by Goran Visnjic. Through this series Fisher is looking for an answer to what is human and what makes us human. Along with the progress of high technology, we have also developed fear and paranoia for the future ahead of us. The truth is that we will manage to survive only if we learn how to nourish the empathy and kindness within ourselves.

The story line is built around Molly Woods (Halle Berry) who is sent by herself on a one year mission into outer space. Upon returning to Earth, she tries to patch up her marriage with John, played by Goran Visnjic, who is a robotics engineer. His most successful project to date is their robot child Ethan.

During her mandatory medical checkups, after each flight, Molly discovers that she didn’t come home alone. Her pregnancy is a complete mystery due the fact that there was no one on board in the shuttle, apart from her. Further studies then show that there are some brain abnormalities similar to those of her colleague Kryger. After returning home from a similar mission he committed suicide. Desperate for answers about her condition, Molly begins an investigation that leads her to a conspiracy plan, threatening not only her but also the entire fate of all humankind.

Alfonso Cuaron’s masterpiece “Gravity” inspires specialists in visual effects working on the “Extent”, to go beyond every expectation in the creation of cosmic dimensions. Halle Berry also challenged herself to the maximum,working with a woman astronaut from NASA, which really helped her absorb details of training, before taking on a mission of such caliber, about the psychological challenge of coping alone among the stars.

The actors of this TV Series even went through a dozen simulators, experiencing weightless condition. What initially attracted Academy winner Halle Berry to the character of Molly, was the fact that she is a mother. Here in this aspect, the actress feels completely connected to her role. Science may be far from set in her DNA, but her character’s experiences in trying to balance family and work, be a good mother and a good person above all, are things Halle is quite familiar with.

On the other hand, what attracted Halle’s husband in the show, Goran Visnjic to Molly’s character, is her controversial nature, but in the positive sense. She has the will to survive and win, and Goran respects women who do not simply give up, and deal with the situation in the best way possible.